Read this inspiring poem, " Bible On The Ground."


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by Henry Casby
At a flea market one day on the south side of town,  I spied this old Bible where it lay on the ground.                                 The outside was faded but inside as new, I leafed through the pages for something to do                                                               Then on the inside cover, this note I spied, and I just couldn't take it, I nearly cried                                                                                "My darling son," it read, "this Bible's for you. "Read it each day, son, whatever else you do."                                                      It offers comfort and blessings you'll find to your joy, my most loved possession, and for my loving boy.                   Well maybe her not was never read or even found, For why should that Bible be there on the ground.
Now money was short at that particular time, But I'd buy that Bible, if it took my last dime.                                                      Now sometimes when everything seems to cave in on me, I read that mother's note and pretend it's for me.           And even today when I'm in that part of town, I choke up when I remember that Bible on the ground.                             Now I have many Bibles and I love every one, But this one is special, from a mother to her son.
*Read at a Johnny Rion Revival at Genevieve Baptist Church in 1989: Reprinted by Jon Cozean